Okay ... this is the kicker for me. I am a sports fan and often listen to espn talk radio. Today I hear that my favorite team, the Redskins, are going to make a huge signing of the best defensive player in the league, Albert Haynesworth. You would think I would be excited about this. In years past, maybe ... but now ? What made me stop in my tracks with disbelief was the reported 100 million dollar contract he will be offered, with a 35 million dollar signing bonus. Are you kidding me ? In the wake of Jim Calhoun being questioned about his salary from the state, people seem to be seriously thinking about some of these ridiculously inflated incomes out there. And he we are, the general public, fighting just to keep our heads above water. Why is a talented actor worth 30 million dollars for one movie ? They're not. We, as the general public, elevate them to this status. What do you think would happen if people stopped going to movies ? Or stopped going to NFL football games ? Do you think salaries would go down, along with ticket prices ? I do. That would be the natural sequence of things. What if we demanded hollywood and professional sports gave back ? Sure ... they all have their respective charities for posterity, but does anyone really need to live as lavish as some of these CEO's with their golden parachutes ? Even down to the government, when all you have to do is serve one term in congress and "we the people" fit the bill the rest of their life ? Public servant ? More like us serving the public official. So do i really need to ask why we are in a recession ? Greed, greed and more greed. It is a good thing that I once watched a show where a mediocre NBA basketball player went into the closet, in his mansion, and boasted of his 350 pairs of custom made, imported Italian shoes at 15K-30K a pop, and you go into the neighborhood where he grew up and find poverty. When did we lose the connection to our own communities ? Why the hell did we allow this to happen, to elevate the few to a platform where they look down upon us from their throne. I thought we were a democracy ... oh that's right ! Capitalism rules the day here .. the almighty dollar. THAT is our problem. If you want to support the arts ... support a local artist instead of going to a movie. If you love sports ... go play them yourself or support your local youth organizations and schools. Want to support the CEO's golden parachutes ? Then don't buy their products. Let's get back to good old fashioned morals and ethics and take care of one another once again. The rest will take care of itself !
Come by and see me at www.richmondsigns.com !
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