Monday, February 2, 2009

Smart Marketing in a Sluggish Economy

What do we do when business is slow ? We advertise ... right ? But what is the most effective way to do this when your business is slow and funds may be low. The yellow pages only come out once a year, and the costs for a large ad are very high and recurring every month. Sure, you get some business from it, but you also waste a lot of time trying to help potential customers who are looking at nothing more than the bottom line .... price. Customers only consumed with the cost are not necessarily the customers you want to grow your business. These are the customers that will leave you the quickest and give you a false sense of security with your business growth. You would hope that consumers would realize the value of high quality products and excellent customer service, but in a struggling economy, many times the overwhelming factor is price. The yellow pages do target your industry, but not necessarily the TYPE of customers you want to target. Many other forms of marketing also employ a "broadcast" technique, many times wasting your marketing dollar in areas where it is not needed or received well. I personally hate telemarketing. Do you like it ? Why smack your prospective customers in the face with uninvited intrusions on their valuable time ? And what about mailings ? Sure, they work too. But have you seen the return rate percentages ? High volume, low results ... also uninvited and many times simply disregarded. So how can you put a message in front of perspective customers every day without intrusion ? How can you get the public to focus on the quality of your service or product, and not the price alone ? How can you pay for a marketing technique ONE TIME that will reach millions of prospective customers ? One that will keep on communicating for you and your company for more than 5 years ? This is my favorite part ! VEHICLE ADVERTISING ! It is getting more and more popular and utilized, but not nearly enough ! There is a whole market out there you are not reaching if you underestimate this medium. Let's break it down real simple like for everyone. You pay anywhere from $2000 - $6000 for a full vehicle wrap, depending on the kind of vehicle. With a good designer (like myself!) you come up with an image that is completely unique in the world that strongly communicates YOUR message, and your message only. Every day you are on the road, heads turn to read your message (it took me a while to get used to it in my company vehicle ... i kept thinking people were staring at me ! ). With an effective design ... they continue to look and appreciate the graphic and create a lasting visual impression of your image. A well thought out design conveys to your prospective customers the attention to detail your company will provide.
One good phone call and new customer can easily pay for the entire advertsing effort. The beauty of it is that it continues to work for you as long as 5+ years !!! Wraps also help you build an image for your business in the community that is long lasting and memorable. Even if we are not the ones to help you with your project, this is an opportunity that should not be ignored. We hope we can be the ones to help and invite you to check out the video of our work samples at our and our other services at our website ... ! Thanks for reading and contact us if you have any questions we can help you with ! Thanks again ....

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